Thursday, 29 March 2012

Hceeps Esrever (Reverse Speech): Metaphorically Speaking

What happens if you listen to country music backwards?
You get your dog back. You get your car back. You get your girl back.

David John Oates is a name that is probably new to you. It certainly was at LC HQ until a couple of weeks ago. Like all the other research we’ve been carrying out, one person can lead you down a very deep rabbit hole. We’ve been led to a great deal of other fantastic people through our investigations, as you’ll find out over the next few weeks/months/years.

Let’s crack on with Mr. Oates, shall we?

Reverse Speech is a system, devised by Oates, that “allows insight into the
subconscious mind.” Oates believes that by reversing speech you can access an encoded language that works in metaphor and allows the listener to interpret what the speaker is really saying.

As an experiement, watch the video below firstly with your eyes closed, and note any words you might hear in the reverse speech:

Now watch the video again, eyes open. Did your guesses match Oates’ observation?

Like all great conspiracists, Oates started small. He dropped his tape recorder into the toilet one day whilst shaving. He managed to fix the recorder, but discovered it would only plackback in reverse. Whilst listening to his reversed voice, Oates realised that he could hear very clear words on the tape. Reverse Speech was born.

In a Ground Zero radio show podcast, Oates talks about how, “...metaphors are the structures or the wiring diagrams of the subconscious.” His applied meanings are very subjective in their interpretation. It’s was difficult for us to hear the reverse words as clearly as Oates seems to - it’s very likely that what Oates is hearing can be contributed to a psychological phenomenon called Pareidolia.

Pareidolia is an illusion or misperception involving a vague or obscure stimulus being perceived as something clear and distinct. Under ordinary circumstances, pareidolia provides a psychological explanation for many delusions based upon sense perception. The same aural illusion is the scientific explanation for what is know as backmasking:

Oates published a book in 1987, entitled, “Beyond Backward Masking: Reverse Speech and the Power of the Inner Mind” and managed to get himself some TV and press attention in his native country, Australia.

In the early 90’s, things got a little weirder. Oates had emigrated to the US and continued to gather press attention. Oates claims that his worked had interested, “officials in Washington” but his discovery of a possible code word in a Dick Chaney speech put a halt to all that. A leaked memo emerged:

Oates had his first conspiracy on his hands. He also claims that a lot of his planned work dried up around this time. Had Oates cracked a sinister plot in the way the US Government spoke to its people?

Oates set about using his techniques as holistic therapy. His burgeoning list of metaphor meanings helped him to unravel throught processes of his patients through a system he calls, “Metaphor Restructuring”.

There’s little to no empirical evidence to back up Oates’ hypotheses. In their critique of Oates' theories, Newman and Curtain (1998) conducted a simple experiment in which subjects under various conditions attempted to detect examples of reverse speech from Oates's audiotapes. As expected, they found that subjects who were told what to listen for were much more successful in hearing the phrases than those not expecting what they would hear. This is analogous to seeing a certain image in a cloud formation only after another person has pointed it out.

Oates also makes some pretty rash claims when it comes to the development of reverse speech. He claims that infants learn to speak backwards, before they learn to speak forwards. If true, this is news to developmental psychologists. It also begs the question, what evolutionary benefit does it have? Obviously, we need to learn to speak to communicate our basic needs with others, our mothers for instance, during infancy for survival. But what function does reverse speech serve?

It’s difficult to find Oates’ work as utterly false, he claims that reverse speech messages "are very quick and fast and are often hidden in the high tones of speech. For this reason speech reversals are very easily missed by most researchers."

Of course, Oates has taken care of that problem for you. He has a whole plethora of courses, books and technology for you to become a bona fide reverse speechologist. You have to hand it to people like Oates. They’re really clever at finding their little niche and mining it for all it’s worth. Oates obviously makes great profit from his work. It’s this type of fuzzy science that fuels the conspiracy community.

“The very existence of reverse speech is ecologically invalid. "Backwards” language does not convey meaning to a listener-in other words it does not make any sense. This has been put to empirical test. Subjects who hear recordings of words played backwards are unable to report what words they heard.” (Vokey and Reid 1985)

Until next time,

Vive étrange!

Seth & Lola

Tuesday, 20 March 2012

David Icke and the Pyramid of Mars

“If you doubt the existence of extraterrestrial life, then consider this for a moment. Our Sun is only one of some 100 billion stars in this galaxy alone. Sir Francis Crick, the Nobel laureate, says there are an estimated 100 billion galaxies in our universe and he believes there are at least one million planets in our galaxy that could support life as we know it. Think of what the figure might be for the entire universe, even before we start looking at other dimensions of existence beyond the frequency range of our physical senses."

David Icke, “The Biggest Secret” (1999)

The obsession with aliens is prevalent in the conspiracy community. It would be a waste to deal with all those theories in one post. Today, we'd like to talk to you about our neighbouring planet, the god of war, Mars and more specifically, the theories posited by David Icke.

Mars is so close, that on the right night, it's visible to the naked eye. For you science fact fans, budding astronomers and, possibly, Brian May – here are the stats: Mars is 228 million miles from Earth. It would take 214 days to travel that distance. The surface of Mars is littered with volcanic craters and is home to the largest volcanic crater in our solar system, Olympus Mons.

There has been a handful of probes sent to the red planet over the course of that last 40 years. The probe that really fuelled the conspiracy fire was the first, Viking I.

Viking I was launched in 1976. It was NASA's first succesful landing on Mars and for the first time, the scientific world got a glimpse of the alien surface. It was this picture:

Photobucket Pictures, Images and Photos

that made a lot of people scratch their heads. Was it possible that an ancient civilisation had inhabited this terminally desolate planet?

According to David Icke's revelatory book from 1999, “The Biggest Secret,” it's indeed the case. Humans descended from a Martian race, The Aryans. Yup, the very same Aryan race so fantasised by everyone's favourite facist, Adolf Hitler. According to Icke, the Ayran's were a super-advanced civilisation who found themselves leaving Mars after, “a celestial catastrophe.” UFO investigator, Brian Desborough claims to have seen unpublished astrophysics data that suggests Mars once occupied Earth’s orbit. The Aryans settled on this planet and, in Earth's first example of philanthropy, helped the lesser developed mind of our ancestors to flourish. This advanced civilisation were able to construct such wonders as Nazca, Baalbek, and the Great Pyramid at Giza. Icke believes that this is the only explanation of how these wonders came to exist- he does not believe it was humanly possible for these forms of architecture to have been created without extraterrestrial help.
The Ayran's, as we'll discover, were not alone.

NASA launched further probes and continued to capture increasingly detailed images of the mysterious pyramid structure on Mars. Images from the 2001 Mars Global Surveyor finally revealed the structure to be a geographical feature know as a mesa: an elevated piece of land, with steep sides.

Photobucket Pictures, Images and Photos

The mystery explained. Or was it?

In Icke's world history, the Aryan's were followed to Earth by a fourth dimensional, blood drinking race of lizards called the Annuki. A war was waged between the two races. Ultimately destroying these ancient civilisations. We'll come back to the lizards in a later post.

Icke's View Deconstructed

Icke's theories on the Aryan/Martian race are heavily influenced by Brian Desborough. Icke heavily quotes Desborough throughout the book. Icke's introduction to Desborough reads, "A friend of mine in California, Brian Desborough, is a researcher and scientist I have a lot of respect for. He has been involved in. Aerospace research and has been employed in this and other scientific research by many companies."

We googled Brian Desborough extensively and could find nothing to truly back up this claims. He has his own presence on the net and can be found at

We delved into his (self written) biography and discovered that he's also a (self-proclaimed) expert at deprogramming mind control victims. He uses his skills to mine information from victims and puts it to good use - aiding his research into the New World Order. He has written quite a lot about trauma based mind control and has a lot of anecdotal evidence to claim the existence of the Annuki.

Icke litters his book with scientific facts and stats before seamlessly evolving the text into into Martian theory. Icke makes his theories ring true up by connecting scientific evidence by association, when in fact, the Martian theory is not directly related or endorsed by these scientific facts.
There is an overwhelming lack of evidence to prove this Martin theory. Although Icke is careful not to state anything that can be directly disproved. At the same time, he does not provide any solid evidence to cement his ideas. This is why, for us, it’s not about rejecting David Icke’s Martian theories because they’re crazy, it’s about rejecting them because there is no evidence to support them. It is not for the critic to disprove a theory, it is for the theorist to show the workings of his theory. The burden of proof shouldn't shift to the sceptic to disprove it.

Let Bertrand Russell tell you about a celestial teapot to round this inaugural post off:

“Many orthodox people speak as though it were the business of sceptics to disprove received dogmas rather than of dogmatists to prove them. This is, of course, a mistake. If I were to suggest that between the Earth and Mars there is a china teapot revolving about the sun in an elliptical orbit, nobody would be able to disprove my assertion provided I were careful to add that the teapot is too small to be revealed even by our most powerful telescopes. But if I were to go on to say that, since my assertion cannot be disproved, it is intolerable presumption on the part of human reason to doubt it, I should rightly be thought to be talking nonsense. If, however, the existence of such a teapot were affirmed in ancient books, taught as the sacred truth every Sunday, and instilled into the minds of children at school, hesitation to believe in its existence would become a mark of eccentricity and entitle the doubter to the attentions of the psychiatrist in an enlightened age or of the Inquisitor in an earlier time.”

The truth is out there,

Seth & Lola.x

Sunday, 11 March 2012



Have you ever felt that you’re not in control of your life? Do you fear that a secret society rules the world? Has the genetic coding of humans been changed by a sinister race of lizards? With this blog, we aim to provide a platform for us to relay our thoughts and information, as we research and dissect all the weird and wonderful conspiracies that are out there. It will be a collection of our fathoms and musings, as we attempt to sift through the fact and fiction behind the outlandish claims that consume some of our fellow human beings.

We feel it necessary to point that this is all new to us - it's just a mutual interest. We're not claiming to be experts. In fact, the more we think about what we're letting ourselves in for, the more naive we feel. We are coming to this wide-eyed and open-mouthed as we stare up at the mountain of conspiracy. Although our opinions will, inevitably, shape the main body of our posts, we're going to aim to be as factually accurate as possible. We hope that you will be able to relate to us, through our unavoidable 'WTF?!' moments, through to our 'Why are we doing this?!' headaches - and we will welcome any input from yourselves along the way.

We're just trying to figure out what's going on with these conspiracy theorists. Are they crazy? Are they exploited? Are they just trying to make a decent living for themselves? Or, are they simply right? We'll try and present the facts, and hopefully, draw some conclusions.

We look forward to having you on-board!


Seth & Lola X